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Lets go team America :)

So I know I haven’t written in a while, and I’m sorry, I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth, it’s just been super crazy settling in here in the USA!
So lets start with the fact that I’ve been sick, which sucks, cu the weather here is freezing, literally.  So because of the sever climate change, I’ve had a running nose for two weeks- blagh!

Settling in with my family’s schedule has been tough because I’m over tired, and there’s a lot to remember, but the more I do it the easier it gets, so I’m not complaining…
My daily schedule is something like this: everyday except Tuesday I get the kids ready for school, take them to school, do random chores, chill until they finish school (in this chill time I like to skype cape town.), fetch them from school, do homework with them, take them to their extra mural activities or play dates, fetch them from their activities or play dates, and then give them supper, get them clean and in their p.j.’s, and then by that time their mom is home and I’m off (I usually pack their lunches and get things ready for the next day before I actually go to my room or go out). Then once I’m off I either can go out, have a friend over, or just chill alone…whatever I feel like.

So in the past two, almost three weeks that I’ve been here, I’ve met so many new people. Lots of girls, some guys, and lots of names to remember… but of all the people I’ve met, I think Ines and Benita are my good friends. They’re both German, and 19, like me J (The 19 part, not the German part obviously J) hehe. So with my friends I go to the mall, which is AWESOME!!! It’s huge, and we go for coffee and stuff, but lately I’ve been trying to save, and not go out as much, and also just to rest so I can get better and be hundreds!

So highlights of things I’ve done so far:

I went to New York with Tracy- my awsome friend that I met in Cape Town, probably my best friend in America... we're pretty tight. 

 And we had T.G.I. Fridays in Times square 

Then I slept at her house in Queens, awesome times, and went on the train :D

Then come sunday, the biggest T.V. watching day of the year for American, it was the Superbowl....some football something or other :P. So I went with Benita to another au pairs house and we watched the Superbowl (by watched I mean glanced at it a few times in between our never ending conversations ), and had pizza. it was a cool vibe, and I met another South African girl, that was cool, made me feel at home.

 This is Benita...

I also went to Carlo's pizza with the kids, and to Mc Donald's...which looks so different to South Africa Mc Donald's, and the chips aren't as good... and I went to Duncan Donuts again... :)  

And then of course it SNOWED!!!!! holy moly it was amazing!!! the poor kids must have thought I was a crazy lady!
At first it fell kind of fast and small, then later on heavier and bigger and fluffier J. It really was the highlight of my life… So obviously, as soon as I got off work I played in it, and made a snow angel dedicated to Cape Town, the place I’ll always come back to!

I went to Johnny Rockets again, with Ines, which is like this super cute vintage/ retro restaurant which makes the best milkshakes ever! its amazing, and relatively cheap...

 This is Ines...

OK well that's all for now, be sure to leave a comment if you wanna know more... and to check out my Facebook profile (Naomi Antonette Groenewald) for more pictures... and sorry they're bad quality, I'm using my iPod touch at the moment.

Love to everyone at home, missing you all so much! and love to my friends in America, you are making my stay here more pleasant every day!


1 comment:

  1. ABSOLUTELY loving to read yr posts!
    Makes me home-sick for America :)
    Glad to see you're having so much fun, meeting all kinds of people & settling in well with your family.
    There are soooo many adjustments, but I KNOW you'll do just fine.
    Know that I think about you often & keep you in my prayers.
    MWA - much love
