So as an au pair we are constantly trying to find the cheapest deals on flights, food and fun. On this page i will try upload some decent link and reviews about any deals and websites i find
hope it helps!
- Travel-zoo ( http://www.travelzoo.com/ ) has great flight deals like to L.A. or whatever. i see they also have all sorts of deals not just on flights., but for like food or hotels, everything.
- Travelocity ( http://www.travelocity.com/ ) or trip adviser ( http://www.tripadvisor.com/) is where I find all my flights. It easy to use and they usually have the best prices.
- Couch surfing is the thing to do, and its safe! Here’s a cool accommodation site: http://www.airbnb.com
- For cheap tours to awesome places in America: (http://www.tours4fun.com)
- I recently found this amazing thing that united airlines has, it’s called three perfect days and you can look up a destination and they give you an awesome itinerary for three days! Perfect for short sightseeing/ vacation trips. (http://www.hemispheresmagazine.com/category/3-perfect-days/)
- Tablespoon ( http://www.tablespoon.com/ ) is a cool place to find nice recipes if your host family asks you to cook.
- Buy south Africa ( http://www.buysouthafricaonline.co.uk ) ohmiiigosh I love this page, check it out to see what foods and stuff we have in south Africa!
- A few cool restaurants in the Jersey area if you’re here: Ruby Tuesdays (http://www.rubytuesday.com/locations), fireside (www.firesidegrillandbar.com), Carlos has awesome pizza (www.carlosgourmetpizza.com).
- silver bay ( http://silverbayaupaircourse.com/index.html )is an awesome site for au pair course thing
- also long island university ( http://www.liu.edu/CWPost/About/Offices/Au-Pair/Course-Descriptions.aspx ) and sojourner douglass college ( http://www.weekendprogram.org/ ) offer cool au pair courses
Kid’s vibes:
- Pinterest has great ideas for everything kids and everything else (http://pinterest.com/all/?category=kids)
Long distance lovin’:
- Loving from a distance-awesome site (http://www.lovingfromadistance.com)
- Cute idea: (http://www.telegramstop.com/)
- My ex boyfriends dad got cancer and this sight is raising funds for his treatment, please support. (http://gogetfunding.com/project/cancer-support-1)
- This sight sells clothes and pretty much anything, and its all made by NGO's and the proceeds help the poor. ( http://www.roozt.com/roozt_home.html)
- Groupon ( http://www.groupon.com ) is a cool site for discounts on all types of things.
If you have any more, leave a comment and I’ll add it to the list 
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