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life tastes good

This week was a really weird week; i felt really down and run over, like i wanted to give up on things. i was losing confidence in my ability to do this year, but then i thought to myself, even if i don't feel like I’m doing a good job at anything right now, let me just keep going, keep trying. So that's what i did, even if i didn't feel like my life was productive or good, i just kept going and didn't give up. i started organizing my life with budget, goals, and felt good to get things sorted out a little, and by the end of the week i felt like my confidence was raised :) 

In terms of work, the kids were the best they'd ever been this week, which was really nice for me. i did like fun stuff with them, like painting, a little treasure hunt thing, and just fun playing around with them. i think after 3 months, I’m getting so much more used to everyone, and everyone is getting so much more used to me.

I hung out with Qarla more this week, we went to a Texas Mexican restaurant in freehold with her two friends, and i had real Mexican enchiladas which were very cool, i always have fun with her. The week before we had Chinese food in freehold and i tried new stuff there too. i find myself being so much more adventurous this year, like trying everything before i say i do or don't like it. It's actually lots of fun being crazy and adventurous.

Our "date nights" hehe
metro cafe:

Texas Mexican restaurant

I also bought my plane ticket to Missouri this week, which felt cool. It’s the first time I’ve ever bought a plane ticket for myself anywhere!!

i found a really cool thrift store in freehold called second hand rose,, and bought some really nice, inexpensive clothes.

today was mother’s day and i went to church feeling a little sad and bleak cuz i missed my family back home, and my family here was having like a big lunch with all their family around, which to me felt like Christmas, so i missed being with family. But at church i met amazing people and Godly woman who were just so friendly to me and so loving and generous and inspiring, so that made me feel a lot better.

Like i said, this week was a bit crazy but overall it was a good week.

Oh my gosh, almost forgot to tell about the baseball game i went to! I went to a Mets verse Arizona something team, it was AMAZING to say the least. There were like thousands of people, in this phat ass stadium, loud and buzzing and just such a vibe. i know nothing about baseball so i'm not sure how the actual game was but it was an unbelievable experience! enjoyed it so much. 

Love to you all!!! xx


Its the weekendddd baby!

Sooooo.... last week was really cool, i got my drivers on Monday, it was really easy! Then i got some birthday gifts in the mail which was nice....but my weekend was the best. On Friday I went to the movies with my German friend Nassim, and we watched the lucky one (which was really average), and went to the mall. Nassim is really cool, I like her a lot. Then on Saturday I woke up at like 2 40pm :P my bad….and I went out with my Brazilian friend Emile, we went for like Italian food, and then went to this cool outlet type store, ahhhh I’m ganna save money just so I can spend it on all the cheap stuff there.  Then on Sunday I went to church and Karla, my Mexican friend, came with me. After church we went to this amazing park with like a lake by it and we had a mini picnic and photo-shoot and we just sat by the lake pretty much all afternoon. Then we walked around freehold downtown (a very pretty town) and then ended up having sushi with Karla’s friend Johan (also Mexican), and lastly we went to café 360 for chai lattes. What a great weekend right?

Nassim and I

Emile and I

Karla and I at the lake

Sitting by the lake on Sunday got me thinking a lot about life and how the beauty of life is really in the eye of the beholder. So many girls just want to leave home and come to America to follow the American dream, and then when they’re here they just want to go home.  I believe very much that America does hold the dream that you can be whatever you want to be here if you work hard enough. Like simple things like travelling for me is so easy (well easier than back home), and maybe if someone want to become famous they could do it easier here than back home. But I think that it is important to always be happy where you are. I feel  like if I just stayed in Jersey and visited dc and nyc the whole time I was here I’d be happy, cuz for me the fact that I’m in America is enough for me. I just love knowing that any part of America is good enough for me. I feel like as long as I have great people around me who make me laugh, I’m happy and content with life. And sure I miss home, but this is where I wanted to be and this is still where I want to be.  Sorry super random blurb :)

And my latest thought is if today was your last day, what would you do with it?

I love all my friends and family back home, who read my blog, and to all my new friends here, you make being away from home doable, and to any new followers or random readers, I hope you enjoy reading and keep following :) Don't forget any questions, just post them in the Questions page. xx


Happy birthday to me...

I’m so sorry I’ve been MIA on my blog this month. I find that I like to write long detailed posts so I end up prolonging it so I can do it properly, but then just don’t end up doing it. I always wonder to myself, what do I do during the day? I mean the kids are at school and I have like a couple hours off and I feel like at the end of the day I haven’t accomplished much.
I’m finding it much better with the kids now and like that routine is going great, but I feel like the next challenge is to try work out a personal routine, which let’s face it, I’ve always struggled with. But this week was pretty cool. Ok wait I’ll start with last last week, my 20th birthday!

silly i know but my first picture as an official adult :)

My birthday was Monday, it was great, I got so spoilt I thought it was Christmas. From “Matty” I got a foldable easel, paint, and paintbrushes, and 5 canvases, from “Jill” I got a whole bunch of really cool scrapbooking stuff and an actual scrapbook book. From my host dad I got these amazing chocolates, and from both my host parents I got a CAMERA!!!! Can you believe it?! I was like shut up! That was the best gift ever. Then I chilled in the day, the kids were back at school after spring break, and I went to gym with Benita. In the evening we went to cheesecake factory for dinner (it’s an actual restaurant) and the food was insane. Then I went home and we had an awesome ice cream birthday cake and then after that some of my girlfriends came over and ate cake and coffee with me :) it was a great day, really. I missed family, but I was so busy with here that it didn’t matter that I was away from them. 

the yummyness i had
 my ice cream cake
  my rad gifts!

So then, wow my short term memory is terrible. Then I guess the week just went by as usual, got back into the swing of things after break. Then on the weekend I went to six flags again but with my two guy friends from church. They’re really cool. And this time I went on like all the rides, it was insane!!! I couldn’t believe how crazy scared I was of the rides but how fun they were! There was one where you stand up on the rollercoaster, on where then lift you up so you’re in like a flying position, and like a ton other cool ones. They were all cool and different. and on Sunday i went out for lunch with the girls, Ines, Lia, and Karla. then Karla came back to my house and we watched In Time (really good movie)

Lia and Ines up top, Me and Karla down below

It was an amazing birthday in the states, i really loved it!