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The countdown begins....

So it is exactly 26 days until i leave for America, everything is fully booked and sorted.
On Thursday the 15th Dec, i went for my visa interview and after 5 short questions, i was granted my visa. YAY!! :D Here's my flight itinerary : 

These days i have just been working really hard trying to get some cash together so that when i go, i can spend freely on touristy things :)
i must say with all tis excitement, i have been a little saddened to leave my boyfriend, Calvin Holloway. He is such a beautiful man and i will miss him so much, but good news he is coming to visit me in about April or May. I believe things work out when you want them too. like going to America, this has been a dream of mine for the past 5 years and seeing how much I’ve failed and gotten back up and kept trying and just seeing how much God has provided for me has really given me hope that whatever your dream is in life, it can come true. I’ve had many disappointments before, but now i am so filled with hope for my future, and i feel like going to America is the start of a new life for me :D

O.k. so checklist of things to do before I leave:

I have never been more excited for anything in my life. I know God has a great plan for my life there, once again, if you believe, pray with me that everything will just fall into place.
Thanks for your support and love! It means the world!